Note: Recently we identified websites presenting a false identity by making reference to SNF and allegedly aiming to provide assistance to grant applicants. While we are making every effort to unveil the identity of these websites, we would like to inform you that SNF only accepts grant requests through the official SNF grant portal available at the SNF website, Any other source, outside SNF’s official website, that may use a logo of SNF or make reference to information related to SNF and claiming to provide grant support or request information from interested applicants via other platforms is not affiliated in any way with SNF.

Grant Application
Information for Applicants
The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) is a private, international philanthropic organization, making grants to nonprofit organizations globally in the areas of arts and culture, education, health and sports, and social welfare. SNF is currently engaged in a long-term landmark effort to improve access to quality health care in many countries, the multifaceted Global Health Initiative (GHI), with a current budget of over one (1) billion U.S. dollars.
During the implementation of the Global Health Initiative (GHI) over the next few years, SNF will continue to assess applications for support, but will do so in a much more selective way.
How to Apply
Grant requests are submitted online through the SNF Grant Portal. To submit a request, create an SNF Grant Portal account, log in, and submit information about your organization and the grant request. Please kindly note that as per our processes, SNF cannot evaluate a new grant request from the same organization until one year after the submission of the previous application. If your grant request is approved, you will also use the portal to manage aspects of the grant implementation throughout its duration. Your account can be used to submit future grant requests.
Step 1
Learn more about SNF’s mission and grantmaking—and who is eligible to receive an SNF grant—to determine whether submitting a request makes sense for your organization.
Step 2
Create an account and log in through the SNF Grant Portal. At this stage, you only need your own contact information ready. You will submit information about your organization at a later stage.
Detailed, step-by-step instructions can be found here.
Step 3
Enter information about your organization and your grant request.
We recommend reviewing the questions, preparing your answers in a separate document, and pasting them into the grant request form. Please note that you will be automatically logged out of the SNF Grant Portal after 30 minutes, and any unsubmitted work will not be saved.
Detailed, step-by-step instructions can be found here.
We’re here to help! For questions about technical difficulties with the application, please contact
Grant applications from organizations in Greece are reviewed by:
Stavros Niarchos Foundation
Programs Department
86A Vasilissis Sofias Ave.
11528 Athens
Grant applications from organizations around the world (outside of Greece) are reviewed by SNF’s offices in New York and Monaco:
Programs Department
645 Madison Avenue
Suite 2200
New York, NY 10022
Programs Department
George V
14 Avenue de Grande Bretagne
MC 98000
The Stavros Niarchos Foundation (SNF) is a grantmaking organization endowed exclusively through a bequest from our founder, Stavros S. Niarchos and does not solicit or accept donations from individuals, corporations, or other organizations. SNF does not make grants nor does it provide scholarships directly to individuals. To find out about supporting any of the organizations SNF funds, or to apply for assistance from programs supported by SNF at specific organizations, please contact those organizations directly.
SNF has not authorized any third party – organization, company, or individual – to assist in the application process by claiming or not claiming remuneration. Applications by nonprofit organizations are evaluated by SNF, in accordance with the procedures described on this website, and the submission process is free of charge. If any such action by any third party, claiming to act as an intermediary, comes to your attention, please notify us immediately.
SNF does not engage in any commercial activity. It is audited by Grant Thornton and complies with all applicable laws and regulations in all relevant jurisdictions. SNF, in collaboration with its auditors, Grant Thornton, periodically performs sample grantee audits in relation to the financial and overall management of SNF’s grants.